Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Origin Theory: The Ying-Yang Chakra Tree

There are multiple theories as to how the Universe and it's living organisms began. Science and religion both monotheistic and polytheistic have espoused numerous ideas about our origin. It seems, however, that regardless of the method, that the point of origin is the same. It all begins as oneness. All inclusive of all elements light and dark, male and female, physical and spiritual yin and yang. It is the balance without polarities - Union. This is Yin & Yang in perfect balance as oneness. Within this oneness exists a vast universe reflecting the almost entirely Yang; heavens/cosmos (the spirit)and the almost entirely yin; earth (the physical) and from their mortal balance, the emotion love, life takes form.

All of us on the planet today were formed by the union of three primary planes of existence or energies. They are the physical or material plane which forms our bodies. It is the level of chromosomes uniting and cell walls dividing.

The spiritual plane; from which the soul enters the body. It is the plane of our collective cosmic consciousness.

And the emotional plane - this is the plane attraction and vibration in which the masculine and feminine elements of our creation (our parents)are drawn together to became as one. In machines as in nature, anything with an electrical current generates noise (vibration). The bio-electric activity of our brains functions in direct response to our emotions and Love is its highest vibration. As the key element of unity within the emotional plane Unconditional Love - the unbreakable bond of freely expressed and boundless true love - is our greatest expression.

Similarly, each of us were created through the union of Yin and Yang, or the Feminine and Masculine respectively. With the spiritual plane representing the energy of the "cosmic father", the Sun (almost entirely Yang), and the physical plane as the energy of "Mother Earth" (almost entirely Yin) then the emotional plane serves as the point of perfect equalibrium between the two. This suggests that the physical, emotional and spiritual are not completely seperate from each other, but are instead distinctive points (in fact, the most distinctive points) within a spectrum like the colors of the visible light spectrum

From one end of the spectrum to the other, the seven colors (ROYGBIV) represent the relative midpoint within sections indicating highly distinctive changes from one area of the spectrum to another. You may have noticed that devices and software used in the true color image projectection use only three colors [RED][GREEN][BLUE] Often expressed as RGB, they can be combined in specific proportions to create any other color. Likewise the physical, emotional, and spirtual planes of are integrated by moving each one a step towards the others.

the Spiritual moves down towards Emotion
Pt. closer to being totally Spiritual than Emotional
Pt. closer to being Emotion than totally Spiritual
the Emotional moves up towards Spiritual AND
the Emotional moves down towards Physical
Pt. closer to being Emotional than totally Physical
Pt. closer to being totally Physical than Emotion
the Physical moves up towards Emotion

More Commonly Expressed As...
The Crown Chakra
The Brow / 3rd Eye Chakra
The Throat Chakra
The Heart Chakra
The Solar Chakra
The Sacral / Sexual Chakra
The Root / Base Chakra

The Chakras, like the colors that represent them, are not just specific points along a spectrum (or pathway), but instead represents a range of frequencies with an upper and lower boundary. Thus each chakra would function between two polarities, yin and yang, with a few noteable exceptions.

The Crown Chakra represents the upper bound of the entire spectrum, and as previously mentioned, Spiritual Energy is almost entirely Yang. It is therefore singular in polarity. Likewise, the Root Chakra and it's physical earth energy represent the other pole for the entire spectrum and being almost entirely yin in nature, it is also of a singular polarity. The Heart Chakra represents the point of balance and union and therefore is singular by its very nature.

The resulting patterm:

• Crown
• • Brow
• • Throat
• Heart
• • Solar
• • Sexual
• Root

The symetrical result contains both the masculine and feminine which makes it the model for an androgenous system. In our reality, however, most systems (e.g. organisms)are either male or female. In order to reflect this distinction, the sexual chakra is also reduced to one polarity as either male or female. The result is the Tree of Life structure.

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