Saturday, December 2, 2006

7 Elements, 7 Chakras, 7 Planets

The following is a synthesis of Western and Eastern Classical Elements. The idea popped in my head when I was reading about the 5 chinese elements and their possible correlation to the 7 Chakras which I followed up with some reading about the 5 classical greek elements (Aristotle) and their possible association.  The 10 elements produced 3 common elements and 4 uncommon elments (2 a piece).  Instantly recognizing the math intrinsic to a possible universal theory (my mind loves to race in this way) connecting classical elements (7) to chakras (7) to classical astrology (you guessed it - 7 planets) I got busy absorbing and synthesizing.  So here are the Chakras and their elements (in theory).

Your first chakra is associated with your connection to a tribal force and your sense of belonging in the world. It symbolizes the physical plane of existence  both the earth and your physical body. This being true, it's not surprising that the first chakra is known to be the source of self-preservation and survival. When this first chakra energy is disrupted, you may be more liable to feel alone in the world, be afraid for your safety, and feel disconnected from other people. You're also likely to feel ungrounded, lacking a strong connection to the earth or your body. Energetically, when the first chakra is disrupted you can feel you have no real "roots."
The Earth element nurtures all that we do, and represents solidity and grounding. Earth people are firm and resolute - we can say they are "down to Earth". They are also practical, hard working and very conservative. Those of you born under the influence of the Element of Earth are wise, serene and prudent, firmly rooted in your morals, ethics and responsibilities. Led by logic rather than emotion, you seek to plan your life as far out in advance as possible, to expect the unexpected and control your destiny down to the last detail. Your disciplined reserve -- which can come across as true grace if you work it right -- garners you respect and admiration.
Saturn is known as the planet of restriction and limitation, but it could also be known as the planet of manifestation. Saturn is the planet that keeps us grounded because Saturn requires tangible usefulness from all that it touches. Saturn is that which denies entropy and manifests the physical form to maintain order over chaos.

The second chakra is often called the sexual chakra, because sexual energy is believed to originate there. But the second chakra is much more than simply a sex chakra; it is the seat of creativity. This chakra is located at the sacrum, which is the densest bone in the spinal column. When the second chakra is closed or blocked, it can make the entire person appear lifeless. A blocked second chakra can cut you off from your emotions, and you may feel removed from an interest in sexuality. On the other hand, if your second chakra is excessively open, emotions can sometimes rule your being, creating an unbalanced system overall.
Water represents emotional depth and instinctive feeling. Water is considered cleansing and regenerative. Water types are fluent, have deep feelings and often strong intuitions or psychic powers as well.  Water is the element that sustains life and it is the medium in which life was created. Those of you born under the influence of Water act with the fluidity of a river, affecting your environment with your strength and quiet charm. Creative and captivating, diplomatic and intuitive, Water individuals are the masters of subtle persuasion. Without even appearing to try, you can gain someone's trust and affection, and once you've got them they'll follow you anywhere. You make everyone feel special, noting and praising each person's unique talents.
The Moon is the undisputed master of the ocean tides. Water is its domain and it reflects both its subtlty and strength. It is associated with a person's emotional make-up, unconscious habits, rhythms, memories and moods. It is the seat of intuition and inspiration as well as our instincts and it sets the subtle beat for the rhythm of life.

The third chakra  is associated with personal power. People who are empowered have high positive energy emanating from their third chakras. Knowing that you can move things forward in your life to order to learn, grow, and live well is closely related to having a clear third chakra. Individual charisma is also generated in this energetic region. Conversely, people who don't trust their own perceptions or feel confident in their own decisions may experience disruptions in this chakra. When the third chakra is closed or blocked, it can lead to a lack of energy, fatigue, and a yearning to be quiet and shut down. During times when this chakra is blocked, confrontations with others can be very hard to initiate or even tolerate.
Fire , at its core, symbolizes the life force.  Optimism, enthusiasm and motivation are governed by fire, as is anger and war. Fire people are quite intelligent, impulsive, fervent, and dynamic - true leaders. Fire types burn through life with your fierce charm, your impulsive enthusiasm and your restless emotions. A natural leader, you inspire with your decisive action and dramatic expression; people can't help but be magnetically drawn to you. You're instinctual, but your mind sparks with new ideas and clever solutions. Identity, self expression, and hence self-esteem are areas of life central to Fire people and it fuels their creative and inquisitive nature and underlies their need for to be heard and/or seen.
Mars, the "Red Planet" is always associated with fire. Indeed, the eternal flame of life which shall not be vanquished is governed fanned and fueled by Mars. Passion is the fuel for this fire and all emotions that take form from it are ruled by Mars. Ruler of the individual ego and its need for self expression, Mars is master of naked force and drive. Mars is the will to express, the passion to create, and the ambition to be.

The fourth chakra is associated with a gradual increasing of consciousness,  as it sits between the lower three and upper three chakras. However,  primarily,  it is the center of unconditional love. When a person becomes disconnected from their heart and the emotions associated with this region,  the fourth chakra becomes closed off. This often results in both low energy and shallow breathing. At times when you're feeling a fourth chakra blockage,  you might even feel that it's difficult to breathe. Emotionally,  when this chakra is blocked,  you're likely to feel wounded or victimized. Often this will be due to trying to work out past problems. If this kind of inner turmoil happens on an ongoing basis without relief,  the overall effect can be a feeling of being stuck in the past. When the energy from the fourth chakra is disrupted,  you may have trouble protecting yourself from emotional harm because you generally feel raw and emotionally vulnerable.
The Wood element represents the creative force of nature and all things green and growing. It is associated with Spring and new life,  and the colors green and blue. Wood people are creative,  strong and resilient - seeking growth and new creation in all that they do. All flowers,  plants,  trees,  and things made of wood represent this element.  Your open,  expansive mind makes you a compassionate and generous friend,  colleague and ally. You understand the inherent value of what you and those around you possess,  and your confidence allows you to act upon your beliefs.
Venus is the planet of aesthetics, appreciation, and acceptance. While Mars has dominion over our primal passions, Venus rules emotions of a higher vibration. Love, beauty, harmony and serenity are all the domain of Venus. Venus is responsible for moving beyond the self to acknowledge the life all around and accepting that the individual is apart of a greater whole. Acceptance leads to appreciation through which we constantly grow. Above all, Venus values true love and its shared sense of oneness.

The fifth chakra is associated with sound in general. The meaning of your own personal truth is central to this chakra. The more free-flowing the energy of this chakra,  the more you are able to speak your truth without fearing the consequences  or at least without letting external forces stop you from doing it. When the throat chakra is too open,  you may talk more than other people would like and may not listen closely enough. On a different level,  this chakra is also associated with personal will. When the chakra is very open,  your will can be excessively strong; when it is closed,  your will can seem nonexistent.
Reason,  logic,  and all forms of communication are properties of the element Metal. Often dealing with matters of self-worth,  Metal people are forceful,  strong and determined - and can often be driven by a need to succeed.  Metal people are determined,  self-reliant and forceful. You enjoy the good life and all it has to offer -- luxury,  comfort and freedom,  especially. You're like a reclusive film star: You want the acclaim,  but you also want to be left alone. You create your own success,  building your desired destiny with single-minded focus. Others look up to you in awe of your commanding,  confident presence.  As such,  the nature and pursuit of "the truth" is central to Metal types.  The need to impart this understanding to others is also a central characteristic of Metal people and contributes largely to the forcefulness of their personality socially.
Mercury is the only planet that also has a metal named after it so, like the Moon's reign over the seas, it only makes sense that Mercury be given domain over metal. After all, Mercury rules communication in all forms. The champion of logic and reason, Mercury rules rational thought. In fact, our learning styles and overall intellect is also a reflection of Mercury.

<The sixth chakra is associated both with light and with psychic abilities. This chakra provides a source of inner knowing,  as well as an objective reflection of how things are. By being focused on a commitment to the truth and flexibility of thought,  people with clear sixth chakras usually have a sense of life's realities that surpasses usual conscious barriers. For this reason,  the sixth chakra is connected with higher levels of wisdom and a level disposition. It is located between the eyebrows. When this chakra is closed or blocked,  you may have trouble seeing the big picture of events that are unfolding in your life. The truth of matters can be dwarfed in details,  and you may become easily confused.
Wind or Air is the element of thought and movement.  It symbolizes expansive and original thinking as well as wisdom and understanding of things.  Your are idealistic and philosophical.  Your open-mindedness and curiosity are blanced by a sense of knowing that underscores your self confidence in the wisdom of your thoughts.  You have the ability to conceptualize beyond what is apparent or visible - hence the fluidity and independence of air - to understand the hidden or deeper meaning of things.  At times,  this vision combines with your strong intuiton to create a powerful conduit for psychic energy and can generate extra-sensory experiences.
Jupiter is the planet of storms. Furious spirals of wind and electricity swirl throughout the planet of expanse, wisdom, and influenced gained from outside forces. As traditional ruler of visionary Sagittarius and transcendant Pisces, Jupiter's nature is characterized by the phrases "I see" and "I believe". Jupiter has dominion over our ideal greatness - the higher vibrations of our thoughts and ideas. The ability to see what is unseen comes from the belief in existance beyond that which can be proven and is ruled by Jupiter's benevolent force.

The seventh chakra is associated with thought. It signifies our relationship to all things and the unity of everything. This chakra also symbolizes self-knowledge and spiritual consciousness. It is located at the crown of the head,  but it is connected with the entire muscular system,  the skeletal system,  the skin,  and nervous system. The seventh chakra is associated with a more profound spiritual connectedness than the other six chakras are. This chakra is the seat of higher wisdom and the energy that comes from it. The seventh chakra is thought to give access to the infinite intelligence that exists in the universe and is our key to opening the door to it. This chakra allows for self-expression on higher spiritual levels and is associated with the pineal gland,  the gland that produces visions in dreams.
Aether,  elemental Light (translated as "Void" or "Heavens" in various Eastern belief systems),  it is the element of the cosmos and Creation. As such,  it is manifested on the mental plane as the vibration of thought-energy.  On the physical plane it is represented by nuclear energy (energy derived from the atom as fundamental building block of the universe).  On a metaphysical level it is the particle-wave - those substances,  such as white light,  that display characteristics of both matter (particles) and energy (wave-forms). On the astral plane it is spirit energy - the divine essence of the soul that connects us to the cosmos and to the Creator.  On an esoteric and philosophical level it can be viewed as acting force behind universal will or Karma - the flow of energy that keeps the universe in balance.
Sol - The Sun is the focal point of Western astrology for a reason; it signifies our who we are. Not just our personal identities, but everyone's identity within the cosmic plan. It is the point from which the soul (sol) enters the body and it's astrological placement indicates why it chose to be born. The sun's radiant energy and gravitational pull are the forces that created our solar system, set it in motion, gave it life and sustain it. Just as the Moon revolves around our home, the Earth, like all things in this galaxy, revolve s around the Sun.

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