Saturday, December 2, 2006

Super Hero Horoscopes

Mars is the planetary ruler of physical vitality.  Drive and ambition as the will to exist and physical attributes like, strength, agility and stamina are attributes associated with Mars.   Instictive and uninhibitted, Mars wishes to spring into action in any direction at any time.  Superman,  famously described as "Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a steaming locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound", and also nearly invincible, is the ultimate expression of Mars energy. When it comes to survival of the fittest, the Man of Steel is truly the alpha male.

Armed with a weapon some refer to as the "most powerful weapon in universe", Green Lantern is a specially chosen gaurdian of the Earth realm.  Hal Jordan, like all Green Lanterns wields a "power ring" that uses green light energy to create anything that the GL can visualize provided they possess the will to manifest and maintain the construct.  The power of the ring is determined by the will power of its user.  Thus the Taurian combination of Venusian imagination and values along with the most indomitable will of the fixed signs makes the bull perfect

This hero's costume is designed to give him a likeness to the fleet-footed messenger to the gods, Mercury.  Mercury, ruler of short travel and daily transit, is the fastes moving planet. Appropriately, The Flash  is definatively known as the fastest being on the planet.  An aura that prevents  any air friction from effecting his skin or clothings surrounds him while he is in motion. A gift for gab and Superhuman reflexes keeps him ready for anything.   In true Mercurial fashion, his mouth runs nearly as fast as his legs do. 

Few have grappled with the moral notion that with great power comes great responsibilities like Spiderman.  With a value system centered around family and the importance of loved ones, He is motivated by a deep need to do what he feels is right.  His admiration for his "mother figure" drives him to be a good man, while the loss of his "father figure" taught him that a good man who fails to act in the face of evil is guilty of allowing evil to be done and is not truly good.  These values combined give us the morally driven Spiderman

Divinity meets royalty with this hero.  Wonder Woman is commonly associated with Diana of the mythical Amazon tribe who is both their greatest warrior and their princess.  An unfailing guardian armed with a sense of pride and greatness,  Wonder Woman's physical ability is considered second only to Superman.  Her substantial powers, which include augmentation of the senses and regeneration were given to her as blessings by the various Greek Mythological gods. Of noble birth and blessed by the gods, she is the chosen one to persevere for all humanity.  

Mercury rules powers of the mind, communication in all forms, the occult sciences, and the nervous system and hands.  Given this, it is hard to imagine anyone more Mercurial than the ominous Doctor Strange. A brilliant neurosurgeon of considerable skill and hubris, neurological damage permanently robbed him of the precise hand movement necessary to practice his trade. Unable to accept "inferior" jobs he sought out a cure through the occult. Bright, intuitive and highly analytical, Doctor Strange easily excels at rote magic (incantations and rituals) and powers of psychic communication.

Thor is the half-god half-mortal son of Odin who wanted him to draw power from both the Earth and the Heavens.  Though commonly thought of as immortal, he was banished to Earth in the form of a mortal who was twice slain. Nearly invincible as a god, Odin sent him to Earth as a human with a disabled leg. Over the course of ten years he learned to overcome his disability and helped others do the same as a doctor.  Throughout his many incarnations he has always managed to fall in love.  Even today, Thor splits time evenly between Asgard and Earth having learned lessons as both human and god.
Witness to the murder of his parents, Bruce Wayne set out to transform himself into a force capable of vengene on the criminal underworld that spawned his parents' killer.   Operating from a secret base beneath Wayne Mansion, Batman is the mysterious vigilante of the night.  In seeking mastery over his own fear his is able to wield it as a weapon against his enemies.   To the public, Bruce Wayne is a billionaire playboy who  gives back generously to the community, but in secret, Batman, as he gives  even greater of himself as.

One of the noblest and most tormented cosmic entities in the universe, the Silver Surfer treasures freedom above all else, but has often sacrificed his liberty for the greater good.  Such values may be attributed to his upbringing on world of utopian ideals that existed without crime poverty or illness.  The threat of this world's destruction gave the ever restless Norrin Radd the opportunity to live the adventures he dreamed of.  As the herald of Galactus, Radd was given tremendous cosmic power and transformed into the  Silver Surfer
Captain America is a "nearly perfect" specimen of human development and conditioning. He is as intelligent, strong, fast, agile, and durable as it is possible for a human being to be without being considered superhuman.  The most significant augmentation that resulted from the Super Serum is a extrodinary and unparalleled endurance that prevents the build-up of fatigue poisons in his muscles.  Captain America's only weapon is an unbreakable shield made of a unique Vibranium-Adamantium alloy that has never been duplicated.
Tony Stark demonstrated his  extraordinary inventive genius at a very early age, enrolling in the electrical engineering program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology at the age of 15. Fatally wounded in Vietnam, the Iron-Man armor was orginally built to keep Stark's heart beating. A symbol of technological perfection through continued  innovation, the Iron-Man armor has evolved from a bulky iron suit to a molecularly aligned matrix of crystallized iron enhanced by magnetic fields over layers of other metals, creating a protective shell that is pliable, yet highly resilient.
Aquaman was born as Orin to Atlantis Queen Atlanna and the mysterious wizard Atlan. His body is specially developed for underwater conditions, granting him specialized blood circulation to withstand freezing temperatures and highly developed vision to see clearly even in murky ocean depths. This hybrid physiology means he can survive indefinitely on land as well, but he must return to the water periodically. Aquaman has highly enhanced senses, most notably a natural form of sonar and a form of telepathy which works particularly well on other aquatic life.

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