Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Star Wars Horoscope

Star Wars Horoscope


You are a powerful character. You tend to be self-driven and confindent, which explains your egocentric nature.You become defiant when people try to order you around or control you.You are prone to jealousy - but your resilience and passion get you what you want.

Star wars character you are most like: Han Solo

Fictionscopes By: Lucid Drive

Star Wars Horoscope


You are a dependable creature, but you do tend to be stubborn.You like material possessions and love to win at games.You hate being bossed around or losing.You may succumb to your physical strength when upset.Star wars character you are most like: Chewbacca

Fictionscopes By: Lucid Drive

Star Wars Horoscope


Like most Gemini's you have two-sides to everything. You always know how to cover your own backYou can talk your way into or out of anything most of the time.You are also quite charming and affable.Star wars character you are most like: Lando

Fictionscopes By: Lucid Drive

Star Wars Horoscope


Though you may protest, you can be found regularly right in thick of it.You are strong willed and remain persistent until you get what you want.You rarely shy away from a fight, even when things get dangerous.Mentally sharp, and equally courageous.Star wars character you are most like: R2 D2

Fictionscopes By: Lucid Drive

Star Wars Horoscope

You add a whole new meaning to self-assurance.You are an adveturous person with great determination.Like many Leos, you will see that your mission for good is completed.You are very optimistic about the future.Star wars character you are most like: Luke Skywalker

Fictionscopes By: Lucid Drive

Star Wars Horoscope

You show efficiency when working for a good cause.But you tend to be a bit fussy when it comes to doing something out of the ordinary.Like many Virgos, you want to stay out of the spotlight.You do well at picking up the smallest details.Star wars character you are most like: C3P0

Fictionscopes By: Lucid Drive

Star Wars Horoscope


You are on a lifelong pursuit of justice and determined to succeed.You convey the art of persuasion through force.You always display your supreme intelligence.You have a great talent in obtaining balance between yourself and your surroundings.Star wars character you are most like: Princess Leia

Fictionscopes By: Lucid Drive

Star Wars Horoscope


Like many scorpios, you can be cruel and torment people who disagree with you.Deep down, there is a benevolent and humanitarian side to you.You feel you are at the center of the universe and that you must be in controlStar wars character you are most like: Annakin Skywalker

Fictionscopes By: Lucid Drive

Star Wars Horoscope


You are a very social unit, winning the hearts of many with your smooth personality.You are very loyal, going to great lengths to help someone out.You are impatient and pushy when people take your teachings too lightly.Star wars character you are most like: Obi Wan Kenobie

Fictionscopes By: Lucid Drive

Star Wars Horoscope


You are superbly wise and have been known to spread your wisdom widely.You carry the burden of responsibility on your shoulders And your thoughtful leadership is all ways for the greater goodStar wars character you are most like: Yoda

Fictionscopes By: Lucid Drive

Star Wars Horoscope


Like all who crave power, you often enjoy your need to manipulate those around you..You have a knack for inflicting pain on people and you use your intellect during battle.You enjoy being a leader... and you find that your aggression and quick temper serve you well.
Star wars character you are most like: Emperor Pallpatine

Fictionscopes By: Lucid Drive

Star Wars Horoscope


A typical Pisces, you have your head in the clouds.You're self-sacrificing and a bit too passive to recognize the dark side.You become fairly defiant when put under pressure.You are a chameleon - wanting to change your scenery on occassion.Star wars character you are most like: Padme

Fictionscopes By: Lucid Drive

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