Thursday, December 28, 2006

The Batman Horoscope

BATMAN Horoscope

You are: The Joker

Obsession and/or Fixation: I am what I want to be

Homicidal just to be anti-social, your destructive impulses are legendary
A quick thinker with a quick temper, you're an expert on irony and sarcasm
You need to be the first and or best at everything you do
you tend to not take losing well at all.

Fictionscopes by: Lucid Drive
BATMAN Horoscope

You are: Alfred

Obsession and/or Fixation: I want to have and maintain

Keeper of Wayne Manor, surrogate father to orphan Bruce, And even protector of The Dark Knight's health and identity.
You are quite trustworthy and your loyalty goes unquestioned.
You know the intrinsic value in most thingse though at times you can be possessive and materialistic

Fictionscopes by: Lucid Drive
BATMAN Horoscope

You are: Two Face

Obsession and/or Fixation: I want what I want

Represented by the Twins you are practically two people in one mind.
Quick witted and impulsive you are prone to act on a whim.
Your mind is constantly active and boredom is torture to you.
There's two sides to everything you say and do. You are your greatest ally and worst enemy.

Fictionscopes by: Lucid Drive
BATMAN Horoscope

You are: Poison Ivy

Obsession and/or Fixation: I want to feel

Determined, nurturing, resourceful, hyper-sensative, and venegeful you are intense. Your "mothering" instincts are unequalled and your intuitive imagination gives you insight but unfortunately you hold people to impossible standards and are prone to exaggeration which can trigger on outburst of misanthropic rage.

Fictionscopes by: Lucid Drive
Batman Horoscope

You are: Catwoman

Obsession and/or Fixation: I will because I can

With unrivaled resilience and determination you know how to get it done by any means necessary
You are both forceful and subtle using your charm and appeal along with your considerable prowess. You almost always catch your prey and no matter what you do your pride ensures you look good doing it!

Fictionscopes by: Lucid Drive
BATMAN Horoscope

You are: The Riddler

Obsession and/or Fixation: I analyze because I can

Quite gifted with the analysis of numbers and patters you enjoy all types of puzzles., Your logic and reasoning skills give you structure and you percieve any loss of control to be a sign of weakness. You therefore tend to compensate for any emotional short comings by constantly looking to prove your intellectual superiority.

Fictionscopes by: Lucid Drive
BATMAN Horoscope

You are: Robin

Obsession and/or Fixation: I balance because I can

Gifted with a highly developed sense of fairness you have a need to restore things that are out a balance.
When it comes to people you are quite observant and you have a good understanding of what makes people tick.
As melodramatic as you are charismatic you have a flair with the opposite sex

Fictionscopes by: Lucid Drive
BATMAN Horoscope

You are: Batman

Obsession and/or Fixation: I can because I desire

You are the dark knight himself. Powerful, resillient, and resourceful, you are passion fueled by burning desire.
Your intesity knows no equal. So much so that you find it nescessary to conceal parts of yourself from the world and you sometimes battle your inner-demons for self control.

Fictionscopes by: Lucid Drive
BATMAN Horoscope

You are: Comm/Lt Gordon

Obsession and/or Fixation: I see what should be

Intuitive and wise, your higher ideals focus on the needs of the many rather than just yourself.
When evaluating character you believe that the ends may justify the means so you never rush to judgement.
Your well developed sense of what serves the greater good allows you to make decisions independent of popular opionion.

Fictionscopes by: Lucid Drive
BATMAN Horoscope

You are: The Penguin

Obsession and/or Fixation: I use whatever should be used

Far from the looney bin, you are a determined yet refined adversary. You're drive to succeed is fueled only by your desire to be successful. You are sophisticated and show poise and restraint in situations most people would have neither. Though you crave victory you will not go against your own code of ethics

Fictionscopes by: Lucid Drive
BATMAN Horoscope

You are: Mr. Freeze

Obsession and/or Fixation:I know what should be

Highly intellegent and equally unorthodoxed you are very independent yet you often focus on humanity as a whole.
You view the world through your carefully constructed personal moral paradigm and are often quick to anger whenever you feel it has been violated. Your temper is cool and calculated and often merciless because your perception tends to be a concrete matter of right and wrong rather than abstract and hypothetical.

Fictionscopes by: Lucid Drive
BATMAN Horoscope

You are: Scarecrow

Obsession and/or Fixation: I believe in what should be

Inuitively intune with the feelings of others and highly sensitive to changes in your environment, you have an uncanny understanding of human nature. Angered most by those who need to dominate with their physical superiority you seek vengence through the expression of your superior emotional faculties.

Fictionscopes by: Lucid Drive

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