Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Transformers Horoscope


Signature Phrase I AM

Hot Rod is the all-American-boy Autobot who has dreams of doing great stuff and being as heroic and important as Optimus Prime
He tends to follow rules until they bug him and then he often acts without thinking in an effort to do the right thing. Yet he's not afraid when trouble does arrive and is known as a brave and honorable fighter and friend.

Fictionscopes by: Lucid Drive


Signature Phrase I HAVE

Ultra Magnus is all soldier. He is most comfortable when he is carrying out Optimus Prime's orders- giving it all of his magnificent fighting skills, courage and gift for battlefield improvisation. He is not all that comfortable when the mantle of leadership is placed over his broad shoulders. He is reluctant to assume authority until it is clear that he has no choice but to lead. However, he is resolute, fair and courageous beyond reproach. He is unstinting in his preparedness so that his "people" will be as protected as possible.

Fictionscopes by: Lucid Drive


Signature Phrase I THINK

Blaster is the Autobots' communications point man.  He is capable of recieving communications on a myriad of bandwiths but he prefers to broadcast music.  Exposed to a wide array of styles, his genre of choice is rock. With the flair of a radio disc jockey, Blaster engages the Decepticons as both a combatant and a play-by-play analyst.

Fictionscopes by: Lucid Drive


Signature Phrase I FEEL

The most fearsome and powerful of the Dinobots, Grimlock resents any authority but his own. Although he is dedicated to the Autobot cause, he'd gladly take the role as the Autobot commander.
Highly sensitive and somewhat ill-tempered he can be cold and merciless. Still he is a valiant warrior and his actions command respect from all who are witness to them, both friend and foe.

Fictionscopes by: Lucid Drive


Signature Phrase I WILL

Megatron is the most feared Decepticon and with good reason. He is as ruthless as he is cunning in his quest to rule both Transformers and mankind alike. On Cybertron he was commanding general of all millitary operations against the Autobots and his determination to exterminate them lead him to pursue them across the entire galaxy.  His power and skill are only equalled by Optimus Prime, his one true nemisis. True to form, Megatron relishes in the challenge.

Fictionscopes by: Lucid Drive


Signature Phrase I ANALYZE

Outwardly cool and calm, this analytical, rational and ever perceptive Decepticon is the master of sound. Soundwave is the ultimate opportunist and will use anything he can to advance his status in the eyes of the Decepticon Leader Megatron. His ability to ascertain data, compile statistics and process information mathematically make him nearly indispensable.  As Rumble explains, "Soundwave always has the last laugh."

Fictionscopes by: Lucid Drive


Signature Phrase I BALANCE

Springer is a wise-cracking, easy-going, sharp-witted and somewhat caustic fighting Autobot. He has an unfailing optimism and good humor that make him extremely diplomatic along with the ability to see the various perspectives of any situation. He combines courage with the willingness to sacrifice himself for his friends and the sake of his mission.

Fictionscopes by: Lucid Drive


Signature Phrase I DESIRE

Starscream makes no secret of his ambition to overthrow Megatron as Decepticon Leader. He is ruthless, cold-blooded and cruel. Though the two are similar Starscream has a vain side that clearly distinguishes him. He considers himself the most sophisticated and handsome of the Decepticons. He exudes a high-class, urbane air that provides a certain irony to his murderous tendencies. The potential threat he represents is looked over for one reason: Starscream is very good at his job.

Fictionscopes by: Lucid Drive


Signature Phrase I SEE

The Decepticon second in command, Cyclonus is the most willing and capable Decepticon soldier.  Experience has made Cyclonus the wisest of the Decepticons.  He is thought of as a "true warrior" and combines his high intellegence, considerable firepower, killer instinct and loyalty to create a most formidable opponent who almost never fails.

Fictionscopes by: Lucid Drive


Signature Phrase I USE

Optimus uses his skills to heal and repair  to improve the world around him and, if necessary, to fight. A model "head of the family" type, he can be immensely kind and his compassion extends to all that lives. Sill, he will battle unceasingly to protect the weak and defend what he believes in. Optimus knows that a complete victory is nescessary and shoulder's the responsibility seemingly effortlessly.

Fictionscopes by: Lucid Drive


Signature Phrase I KNOW

Of all the Decepticons, Shockwave's method of operation is most characterized by the cold, brutal efficiency one would expect of a purely mechanical being. He enters every battle not with the bloodlust of his comrades, but with a scientist's approach to solving a problem. The problem is always the same: How can he use his abilities to most effectively eliminate the greatest number of his enemies? He seeks Megatron's position of supremacy not because his ego demands it, but because his logic-circuits dictate it.

Fictionscopes by: Lucid Drive


Signature Phrase I BELIEVE

Bumblebee is small, eager and at times can be a bit of a smart-mouth. Yet for all his wisecracks, he has a noble mind and a humble heart. No Transformer understands or relates to humans more than the "Gold Bug" whose unimposing stature and non-threatening demeanor often allow him to go unoticed by the enemy. As a spy, being underestimated and undersized enables him to use routes not available to the others. More than anything, Bumblebee does what he believes is right.

Fictionscopes by: Lucid Drive

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